Home saunas are becoming increasingly popular as people recognise the numerous health benefits they offer. From stress relief to improved circulation, saunas provide a natural and holistic approach to wellness. However, one question that often arises when considering installing a home sauna is: what is the best sauna heating method? This article will delve into this topic and explore the different heating methods available for home saunas.

sauna heater

Traditional Wood-Burning Sauna Heaters

The traditional wood-burning sauna heater is a classic choice that has been used for centuries. This type of heater uses wood logs as fuel, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere with its crackling sounds and aroma of burning wood.

Wood-burning heaters are known for their ability to produce high heat and humidity levels, which can be adjusted by adding more or less water on the rocks. They also offer an authentic sauna experience that many enthusiasts swear by Take a look at the Harvia Linear 18 Compact Wood Burning Sauna Heater . However, they require regular maintenance, such as cleaning out ash and restocking wood, which may not be ideal for everyone.

Electric Sauna Heaters

Electric sauna heaters like the Harvia Cilindro Black Steel Pillar Sauna Heater PC70 6.8kw or the Harvia Cilindro Black Steel Pillar Sauna Heater PC90 9kw are a modern alternative to traditional wood-burning heaters. They are easy to install, use, and maintain - making them a popular choice for home saunas.

These heaters work by using electric power to heat up rocks within the unit. The heat then radiates into the room creating a warm environment perfect for relaxation. Electric heaters allow you to control the temperature precisely with thermostats and timers, ensuring your sauna experience is always at your preferred comfort level.

However, electric heaters may increase your electricity bill significantly depending on how frequently you use your sauna. It's also worth noting that while they provide excellent heat, they don't offer the same level of humidity control as other types of heaters.

Infrared Sauna Heaters

Infrared saunas represent a newer technology in the world of home saunas. Instead of heating the air, infrared heaters emit infrared light waves that heat your body directly. This method allows for a lower ambient temperature while still promoting intense sweating.

Infrared saunas are praised for their health benefits, which include detoxification, improved circulation, and pain relief. They are also energy-efficient and easy to install, making them an attractive option for home use.

However, it's important to note that infrared saunas provide a different experience than traditional saunas. They don't produce the same high heat or humidity levels, which some sauna purists may miss.

Gas Sauna Heaters

Gas sauna heaters are another option for home saunas. These heaters use either natural gas or propane as fuel and can be a cost-effective choice if you have access to cheap gas.

Like wood-burning heaters, gas heaters can produce high heat and humidity levels. They also heat up quickly and efficiently. However, they require a gas line connection, which can limit where you can install your sauna. They also need proper ventilation to ensure safety.

Choosing the Best Sauna Heating Method

The best sauna heating method for your home sauna depends on several factors including your personal preferences, budget, available space, and access to resources like electricity or gas.

If you desire an authentic sauna experience with high heat and humidity levels, consider a wood-burning heater. For ease of use and precise temperature control, an electric heater may be best. If you're interested in the health benefits of direct body heating without extreme temperatures or humidity levels, consider an infrared heater.

Remember that regardless of the heating method you choose; the ultimate goal is relaxation and wellness. Therefore choose a heating method that will provide you with the most enjoyable and beneficial sauna experience at home.

Contact MySpa for more information on home sauna heaters...